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" On the Goodness of Whitehead's God: A Defense and Metaphysical Interpretation."
"Humanity, Divinity, and the Future: Five Whiteheadian Transitions."
"The Axianoetic Tradition of Philosophical Theology."
"Whiteheadian Suggestions for Process Theology."
"Possibility, Value and Mind: The Entangled Heart of Keith Ward's Philosophical Theology."
"On Helping God By Becoming God."
"God, Value and Ontological Gratitude: On the Axiological Foundations of Worship"
"Whiteheadian Cosmology Mediating Newton and Plato"
"The Emergence of Whitehead's God"
"Methodological Trajectories in Process Theology"
"Immortalities in Process Perspective: Hartshorne, Suchocki, Griffin, Ford"
"Griffin, Loomer and Process Theodicy"
"God and Creativity in Whitehead's Philosophy"
"Transcendence and Immanence as Basic Comparative Categories in Islam and Hinduism"
"Some Pluralistic Resources in the World's Religious Traditions: Judaism, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism"
"Hinduism and Buddhism in Basic Comparative Perspective"
"Methodological Approaches in Comparative Religion: Cantwell Smith, Ward, Bracken, Thatamanil"
"Comparative Resources Approaching Buddhist-Christian Ultimacy: Knitter, Abe, Cobb, Panikkar"
"The Integrative Coherence of Divine Mentality in Griffin and Ward"
"Platonic 'Forms,' Divine 'Ideas' and the Christian Inheritance of Middle Platonism"
"From Dangerous Idea to Gift: The Significance of Evolution for God in Some Modern Theologies"
"Some Questions and Themes in the Theology of Creation"
"Anatheism and the 'Panentheistic Turn'"
"Christian Natural Theology in Cobb and McGrath"
"Theodicy: The Problem Evil and Three Modern "Solutions" in Hick, Plantinga and Griffin"
"Some Historical Approaches of Atheism: Functionalism, Logical Positivism, Existentialism, Cognitive-Evolutionary"
"Religious Pluralism in Hick, Knitter, Heim and Griffin/Cobb"
"Non-Reductive Theories of Religion: James, Whitehead, Otto, Eliade"
"Arguments for God and Divine Attributes: A Select Survey"
"A Few Key Questions in Science and Religion"
"Emerging From the Silence: FASPE in Personal Retrospect"
"Aliens Not So Alien: Platonic Entities, Divine Realities and Shared Extraterrestrial Values"
"Divine Wilder/ness: Nature, Panentheism and Eco-Theological Ethics"
"The Divine 'Whence' of Absolute Dependence: Schleiermacher and the Panentheist Tradition"
"The Lure of What Could Be: Divine-Human Entanglements in Potentiality, Actuality and Mentality"
"Crossing the 'Religious-Mystical Bridge' into God: Panentheism, Pluralism and Inter-Experiential Dialogue"
"Evil, Suffering and the Anatheistic Worth of Panentheism"
"God Was in Christ: Whitehead and Process Christology"
"Ambiguities in Panentheism: Definitions, Distinctions and Demarcations"
"A Whirlwind of Theodicies: A Closer Look at Plato, Hick and Swinburne"
"Zarathustra: Ideological Innovations of an Iranian Revolutionary"
"Transcendent and Immanent Trajectories in Islam and Hinduism"
"Hinduism and Buddhism in Comparative Perspective"
"To Critique and Rescue: The Aim of Metaphysics and the Question of Auschwitz in Adorno and Whitehead"
"Evil, Power and Divine Butterflies"
"The State of Nature in Hobbes, Locke & Rousseau"
"The Riddle of God and Man"
"Nature, History and the Question of Teleology"
"God, Power and the Shadow side of Creation ex nihilo"
"Losses of Greek Thought in the Meeting of Athens and Jerusalem"
"Qur'anic Refinements to Biblical Anthropomorphism: A Comparative Exposition"
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